Tropical Buddha Bowl for Athletes

Registered Dietitian Kristina LaRue of Love and Zest shares a Tropical Buddha Bowl and meal plan with her favorite recipes for athletes.
Athletes train hard to get results and gain that performance advantage to win and be their best. From a sports nutrition perspective, training doesn’t stop when you take off your cleats or sneakers for the day, it’s just beginning. You’ve heard it before, “you are what you eat” and to keep your body in optimal condition, you must get your plate in shape too. Sometimes easier said than done with a busy schedule or a picky palate, but with nutrition you have to work at it and be smart about your food choices. That’s why athletes are turning to fueling with tart cherries. Instead of focusing on what to cut out of the diet, start adding more of good stuff, like a handful {or glass} of Montmorency tart cherries each day.
Montmorency tart cherries are a natural way to aid post workout recovery and maximize sleep. The ruby red fruit contains anthocyanins, which researchers believe are the key ingredient in fighting inflammation. Athletes that are proactive in managing inflammation, may decrease their risk of getting injured and can speed their recovery from injury. As training ramps up and recovery becomes top priority, power with Montmorency tart cherries. They are always in season and can be found dried, frozen, canned, or as a juice and juice concentrate. Tart cherries make an excellent snack right out of the bag or bottle, and have so many applications from sweet to savory dishes when cooking. This is why I created “A Week of Tart Cherry Recipes”, a meal plan with the athlete in mind, to give the busy athlete a guide in how to power with red Montmorency tart cherries.
To get started, download the meal plan and create this Tropical Buddha Bowl made with Coconut Brown Rice and Almond Butter Lime dressing. The big win… it only takes 15 minutes to prepare! It will be your go-to for meal prep; we just can’t get enough of it.
Tropical Buddha Bowl
This Tropical Buddha Bowl is infused with island flavor from the Coconut Brown Rice to the Almond Butter Lime dressing. Perfectly grilled shrimp, pineapple, tart cherries, and a bowl full of veggies! It’s great for meal prep.
Check out the full recipe here!
Kristina LaRue, RDN, CSSD
Kristina LaRue, RDN, CSSD is a board certified sports dietitian and works with the Orlando Magic and athletes at the University of Central Florida. She writes food and nutrition blog Love & Zest, where she shares mostly healthy recipes, life and nutrition and provides virtual nutrition coaching. For more recipes, visit